Friday, May 30, 2008

No Aurora, No Moose

So, I tried to see the Aurora both last night and the night before. There is a forecast website that showed Wednesday as the best hit. No luck. I think it's just too light It is just a little too weird to be romaing around at 10 or 11 in the evening and just seeing the sun set! It isn't really dark at 3 in the morning. I am getting a feeling for how Pacino felt in Insomnia . . .

There is also supposed to be a moose roaming around the park between the library and the dorms. I haven't seen it, but would like to get that special Northern Exposure moment.

My only responsibility was the Board meeting and that was fun. We were going to get a presentation from Gordon Daines, but his plane was struck by lightning and delayed. Luckily it was on the ground. I got a little misty about my last board meeting as president, but I sucked it up and we were able to finish.

The reception was right after and I had to run back and get on big boy clothes. The reception was in full swing when I got back. It was a joint reception with the local ARMA chapter. Good food, good company, and good music from some local artists. I got to see my old friend and mentor Jerry Handfield. He was excited about finally visiting the last state he'd never seen.

After the reception, people grouped up for hosted dinners. My group ended up at the bear tooth. In between bites of halibut (yummy) and sips of Prince William Porter, I enjoyed about two hours of great camraderie. A special treat was the presence of the central european archivist, Grina.

So now, I probably should listne more attentively to Tony Kurtz and his description of his long-lost Plymouth Valiant. More to come.

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